Free Live Masterclass

Reclaiming your inner calm: A 4-step guide to stress reduction and balanced living

With Jaccy Rowe from Mala Yoga

4 techniques to create more calm, balance and self-awareness in all of life's challenging moments

Get ready to learn how you can create more positivity in life and manage your stress better - all by using techniques that can be practiced anywhere!

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Here's just some of what you'll learn during the Masterclass:

How to find immediate relief in stressful moments

Learn a simple breathing technique that can be practiced anywhere, anytime , without anyone even being aware that you're doing it!

How to stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system 

Create calm by tapping into your parasympathetic nervous system, what we call the rest and digest part of the nervous system that is healing and calming

How to quieten the mind

A simple yet so effective technique to still all of the thoughts and inner chat 

Create inner balance

Learn how to re-enter the world in a mindful, considered way 

Who is this for?

If any of the following sound like you, do yourself a favour and join us for this Masterclass!

A parent or guardian that is time poor but know you need the tools to bring more stability, balance and calm to your life
Someone who works full time (or more!) hours every week and constantly feels overwhelmed, anxious and worried
A busy 9-5 worker who flops at night time in front of the tv, your inner voice telling you there's a better way to reset your nervous system every day
That person who's tried everything to reduce stress and stop your mind from racing, but feel like nothing's worked

What people are saying...

Gaye, yoga student

Such a beautiful space being held at Mala Yoga that I believe would enable you to deepen at whatever level you're at. I found Jaccy to deliver her classes in a very gracious way that had me finish the class feeling very nourished.

Greg, yoga student

Mala Yoga has been the most enjoyable experience for practicing yoga. Jaccy is the best yoga teacher I have come across and is always friendly, positive and very welcoming. 

Tiarn, YTT graduate

Nick and Jaccy are genuine souls and have been the best teachers to help me progress into this new chapter in my life. Such an amazing and loving community. 

Have questions?  Here are the answers!

Is this Masterclass actually live?

Yes!  I'll be there to teach you these 4 steps live and in-person!

I'm not sure this is really for me, can you explain who this Masterclass is for?

This Masterclass is designed for anyone who desires to find balance, reduce stress, and cultivate inner calm amidst the challenges of daily life.   Whether you're new to the practices of yoga, pranayama, and meditation or an experienced practitioner seeking deeper insights, this Masterclass offers valuable techniques and guidance.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, anxious or in need of self-care, this Masterclass is for you. Our step-by-step approach will help you develop a solid foundation for incorporating stress-reducing techniques into your routine, ultimately leading to a more balanced and serene lifestyle. 

I already practice yoga at a studio, will I learn anything new here?

Most definitely!  While you may already be familiar with yoga and its numerous benefits, this Masterclass offers a unique focus on specific techniques designed to reduce stress and create balance. 

What happens if I can't make it live?

If you can't make it live for the 4 or 5 June session, a replay of the Masterclass will be emailed to you so that you can watch at a time that's convenient for you.

Will there be a chance to ask questions during the Masterclass?

Most definitely!  The second part of the Masterclass will be open for you to ask me anything you'd like about what you'll learn during the training.

Is this really free?!

A note from Jaccy 

I wish someone had been there to teach me the exact ways to to soothe and calm myself when I was new to yoga and experiencing all those stressful moments of life.  That's why I'm so thrilled to share this Masterclass with you, a culmination of the techniques that are simple to do, easy to remember and so effective.  All with the intention to help you to find balance and serenity.

Through years of dedicated practice, I've gained embodied experience and expertise in yoga, pranayama, and meditation, learning from some of the best Yoga and Ayurvedic teachers in the world.

In my journey as a teacher, I've helped thousands of people to transform their lives by embracing these life-changing practices. I understand and have experienced some of the challenges you might be facing at the moment, and it's important to know that achieving inner calm is possible.  I'm here to support and guide you on this path.

During the webinar, I'll share with you the exact four techniques that I've used myself and shared with my students to create balance and reduce stress. I can't wait for you to experience the profound effects of these techniques as you move towards a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

Remember, the power to transform your life is within you, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.  Choose a time that suits you best and reserve your spot in the webinar.  Can't make it live?  I'll send you the replay so you can learn at a time you have the space to watch.  

I can't wait to see you there!